Lloyds Banking Group is investing significantly in a customer journey transformation programme to identify key customer journeys and redesign them from end to end to significantly improve customer experience. Commercial onboarding is one of the 10 key customer journeys currently being redesigned to improve SME businesses’ experiences with Lloyds Bank.

There are currently 5.4 million SMEs in the UK. They account for more than 99% of all private sector businesses, employ more than 15 million people, and had an annual turnover of £1.8 trillion in 2015. Bringing timely and appropriate banking services to such a large number of people requires being informed about the latest technological developments and utilising them as effectively as possible. It also involves helping users with different demographic and personal characteristics understand the new technology and providing them with a fruitful experience.

Commercial banking


Two-thirds of new customers transfer from another bank and take out a loan within the first 12 months. Many want a currency account or a credit card – and nearly all use online banking. Thus, onboarding is a vital journey for attracting new customers. We improved the Lloyds Bank’s web and mobile technologies to provide a better onboarding experience. We also conducted frequent, systematic user research and made iterative improvements to customer journeys. As a result, customers’ interactions were more streamlined and interconnected, with no repeated questions, fewer forms to fill in and a multi-skilled team of onboarding managers to support them in all their interactions with Lloyds Banking Group.

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